Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mission Possible

In November, Wim and I attended House of Heroes for the first time. We were invited by a friend, and to be honest we were a bit reluctant about attending. For the past four years we didn't have a real home church here in Holland. But we accepted her invitation and decided to visit one Sunday.

I was blown away. It felt so much like home. What did? I don't know. It was just everything-- there were a lot of international people, the worship times were quite free (people moving around, everyone singing REALLY loud hehe). And I met God there.

During the worship time, I realized that I had quite a lot of hurt in my heart because of some challenges we had experienced with a church that supported us in the past. I felt let down, disappointed and because of that I had subconsciously closed down a part of my heart. Which made it difficult to experience God fully (because I was partly closed off to Him). And it was like all of a sudden the light came on, and I saw that I had a door that was locked (and had been locked for a while), and with trembling hands I unlocked that door and invited God in. Wow. After being hindered for so long and not fully realizing it, it was such a relief to experience freedom again.

So in January, we decided to become members. Since then, I've become part of the worship team, and we have started training to be connect group leaders (we plan to host it in our home). It's insane how quickly we've been "plugged in" and how much healing has come to our hearts about the topic "church".

Anyways, I tell all of this because this week our pastors, Mattheus and Rebekah van der Steen, are putting on a conference here in Holland- "Mission Possible". And we are just so honored to be able to say that we are part of that church, that has such great vision (so much so that many people think it's crazy!) and passion for God and for the whole world to Him.  If you want to watch some of the sessions (there is still a live session tonight, and in the morning I think) you can watch it on God TV. 

Have a great Saturday and we pray that you will experience a miracle today! It will be like a wink (oogknip) from God expressing "I SEE YOU". Cause He really does see you.

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