Thursday, November 6, 2014

good good father

I've been enjoying this song from the Housefires album:
"You're a good good Father
It's who You are...
And I'm loved by You
It's who I am..."
Getting to know God as the good Father perfect in every way has given so much insight to how we can parent our kids well. I know it can sound all cliche like, because all Christians say that, but I'm so dead serious. Like if I never knew what if felt like to be loved as a daughter, to be cared for, understood, released-- it would make it so much harder to be able to do that for my kids. I mean, it already is hard for me, but being able to relate to being a child helps me to raise my children.

And speaking of children... we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and we have a healthy baby boy growing in my belly!! Hooray!  Of course we were just super relieved to know that every thing is going fine for the baby developmentally.  But it's also so nice to be able to anticipate a little man running around the Dufoort house in the semi-near future.  I already sorted through Nora's baby clothes just keeping the things I really liked, thinking that we might need to use them again soon. But I guess not... so I must sort again. :-)

that's our baby!
Also, in light of the new family addition we are going to need to upgrade our car. We've had a faithful Suzuki that has been wonderful, but it's just not going to fit 4 of us & our things.  We started a fundraiser to raise money for a secondhand stationwagon and we're hoping that we'll be able to buy that before the baby comes.  It's a challenge though, because in one way we're excited to see how God wants to provide and take care of us.  And in another way it comes with some awkward feelings because there can be pressure to like "prove" that we need a car in order to be effective missionaries. Could we survive without one? Probably. But it will make our life easier and enable us to continue doing what we do-- traveling to Belgium, leading worship, doing life with our family. It would bless us greatly.  If you are interested in helping us with that, you can click here.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

provision with a double-meaning

Wim and I had planned to go to Belgium last weekend, Saturday until Monday, to share at a church and to celebrate some birthdays together with Wim's family. The only problem was that on Wednesday we had almost no money in the bank and we didn't expect something to come before the weekend. (NOTE: Wim's supporters give directly via bank transfer throughout the month, and usually people give on or around the same day, so we knew that usually money didn't come in at that time). We knew that God would provide somehow, but it's still always a surprise when He does!

That Friday we received a €100 donation from people who usually give only €5 per month, totally unexpected! And totally on time.  We were able to put fuel in the car twice, buy birthday presents for our family, enjoy a nice lunch before we hit the road and not feel the pressure of counting every cent of money to make sure that we could get there and back.

But this provision had a double-meaning for us.  Also on Friday we received an email from some people we had asked for help and input about our financial situation. We were hoping that they had some ideas how we could increase our support, and that they could also network for us. But instead their advice to us was that Wim should probably look for a part-time job. Now, we totally understand how people would come to this decision and feel that it's rational. Our lifestyle is a bit crazy, living on the edge and we have been battling to get on top of our finances for the last 3 years. We have prayed and asked God if there is more we can do, like work or get jobs, and we never felt peace that that was the solution we were looking for. Still, to receive an email like that when we were reaching out hoping for help, was quite discouraging.  

Yet God is so good. Because He knew that we would get that email exactly that day. And He knew that we would then begin to question if we were in the right place or not. And with that small act of intervention, an unexpected and very needed €100 donation, He gave us reassurance that HE IS OUR PROVIDER. He sees us, knows us, loves us, wants the best for us. We ended up having a fantastic weekend in Belgium, encouraging and championing Christians to go deeper in their relationship with God, to be more real, to be more available for Him. And we came home feeling satisfied.  No matter how many times it happens, I am awe-struck every time. God is so near and involved in our lives.... that makes me happy.  :-)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

...this is also the real us :-)

So, I'm not really sure how to recover from that last blog post! I must admit after posting I had second thoughts, but then I let it go. Just like the title says: this is the real us. And that is what we are: REAL. With emotions and expressions, some pretty and some, well.... less pretty. ;-)

We've been back "home" in Holland for some time now and there is some very important news that we have yet to announce (on this blog, at least):  we are expecting our 2nd child!  A nice present to bring back from America... hehe!  

So, coming March 2015 we will officially be a family of four!  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

warning: this is the real us

Today Wim and I were driving to visit some friends at a church fellowship, but first we needed to stop and get ice cream (extremely important!). On the way Wim was feeling stressed out because: Nora's stroller started growing mold, I tried to clean it but it just keeps coming back and so I was talking about maybe buying a new one cause it's just not healthy for her... But that led to other things which led to the other things.

You see, since we moved to The Netherlands 3 years ago, we have struggled with money. For about one year that struggle totally ruled our life, so much to the point that we stopped giving or being generous almost at all. After that year God really convicted us of our greedy and selfish hearts, and he used 'giving tithe' as a means to free us from ourselves. So we started to give out of our need, legalistically 10% of every gift that came in. And it helped so much. We didn't miss the money that we were giving away (we still struggled financially, but not more because of it)... But most important our heart attitude changed and we finally felt FREE. About a year after that change, we felt like a God was calling us to a deeper level in generosity. Instead of us collecting the tithe and then deciding who we wanted to bless with it, we were to make commitments and give monthly. The first step was to break us free from mammon, from the love of money and from being ruled by it. And the second step was to release control of the money. 

Those things have totally brought so much freedom into our lives. BUT...but... It's still hard financially. There have been abundant times, but if we're honest we wish there were more. Money doesn't rule over us like it used to, but we can't over spiritualize it away. The fact is you need money to pay bills, to buy food, to get around and BE ABLE TO FUNCTION IN MINISTRY. And another fact is that money is something that most people wish we would stop talking about.

I find it difficult to express how we really feel because we don't want to step on any toes, but at the same time we are bursting with emotions and actual pains that we have received in our lives as full time missionaries. 

You know what hurts? When someone in the church makes a comment about your new clothes or computer... "Wow, those missionaries sure have nice things..." Implying what? That missionaries need to live poorly?! Or when people think and radiate the thought that not having enough support is an indicator that we probably aren't obeying God in some area or other. Seriously? Seriously?! What if the tables were turned and the people who aren't obeying are the ones that have heard or felt God move them to give to our ministry, and they haven't done it! Ouch! It probably hurts (or offends) to read a comment like that, but that's exactly how it feels for us!  It's like we are surrounded by people with magnifying glasses: some are sincerely interested, but others are careless and they burn us with their poor aim (just picture all the ants that you fried with a magnifying glass in your childhood.... Yeah that's kinda how we feel sometimes).

Now I know it sounds like I'm a broken person on a rant, and the truth is I am, we are broken in many ways and we are getting healed day by day.  But this stuff just needs to be said. At least we need to say it for our sake. Missionaries are not the property of the church. We aren't opening up our lives so that we can be scrutinized. And while we make it a goal to be open and teachable, we really just need a hug and an ear to listen sometimes because we are HUMAN and sometimes life is hard. And you know what else? We need money. We do. We need prayer very much. But sometimes we wish that those prayers would materialize into support, because our lives would be so much easier then. Our minds and our hearts would be freer to love people and to bring them into encounters with God. Things are already difficult, try being in the fire 24/7, cause that's how it feels sometimes. It's not always negative, often it's the fire of God purging us so that we can represent Him well, but sometimes it's the fire of stress because you constantly have to choose: pay a bill or buy food? Pay a bill or put fuel in the car so Wim can drive to the refugee center to encourage persecuted Christians? Pay a bill or buy our daughter a toy? It's honestly exhausting.

We're all for wisdom. We're all for knowing where your money is going, making sure that you're investing in places and people who are perpetuating values that you can stand behind. So can you believe in us? Can you stand behind our hearts and not only our activities? Because our activities will change but our hearts will go with us everywhere. And our hearts burn and yearn to know God and love Him well, and to help other people discover the transformational power that is in knowing Him, the Truth. We're desperate for people to love us and stop judging us. 

Can you handle our feelings? Because this is us.

We do seek God about our finances. We seek Him about our activities. We do trust Him and we are open for Him to give us direction. We ask the hard questions: God, are we in the right place? Are we doing something wrong? Do we need to stay where we are or should we just go get jobs? And we share our frustrations with Him: God, where are you? We know you are our provider, but can't you just provide a little more? 

We know God can handle our questions, our frustrations. We know that He will tell us when there's something we need to know. We'll definitely keep you in in the loop. But until then, please, don't just be an observer, join the ride and do life with us. If God has told you to give us money, to write us an encouraging email, to come visit us so you can get a better understanding of our lives, whatever it may be-  JUST DO IT. Please. Maybe God wants to use you to bring the breakthrough we've been longing for for years.

With love, Wim, Jenni & Nora Dufoort
Full-time missionaries with Youth With a Mission
Currently based in The Netherlands
"Helping people discover the Truth that transforms"

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Well, one month has flown by quickly! We originally planned to update a bit more here on this blog, but we've been pretty busy up until now. I haven't been "home" for 3 years! So much has happened and changed that there's just a lot to catch up on with family and friends. Also it's the first time my family and friends have seen Nora, so we have been having a lot of times just enjoying the company of our loved ones here in the U.S.  You can read our most recent English newsletter here. Or our Dutch newsletter here (they are different because they go to different audiences).

We have spoken with some churches and individuals and we know that we have been an encouragement. We see worldwide that God is awakening peoples' hearts for true discipleship, but it can sometimes be a lonely road . Not everyone in the church is willing or wanting to be discipled. Some would rather leave it with the salvation prayer and just comfortably live out the rest of their days a Sunday Christian. But God has called us to DIE. He called us to follow Him no matter what the cost. And he called us to become like Him. All of those things require movement, a willingness to change, to be taught. And only a person who is truly in love with Jesus will be able to walk this path. Love is the only motivating factor that endures through struggles and difficulties. Knowledge, obligation, duty...they aren't enough. Only love can set our hearts on fire and move us to give our all for the One we love.

And the church has lost love. There's a lot of talk about love, but it's become a point of theology rather than a lived out reality. And so through us sharing our heart and desire to see Christians become different people, to be transformed as they come to know the truths of God, we know that we are giving a hand to the others who feel the same and who don't have people around them who understand.

The more and more we live out this calling, the more strong it becomes in our hearts. And the more opposed we become to the religious spirit, to a faith that is demanding and harsh, critical and selective, that can be earned by acting and lost by honesty. Our hearts yearn for Christians to know Christ on the inside and for the Living Water to bring transformation, to turn desert into a fruitful garden that people will see and then turn to believe in Him.

So we have one more month of furlough to go. We're going to enjoy my homeland, take time to rest and be refreshed. And when we find ourselves in the position to encourage and impart our passion for honest faith, we are going to take that opportunity and pour out our hearts! Thanks for being a part of our journey and I hope you are encouraged today!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

soon and very soon!

Just THREE more days before we fly out to the USA on June 4th!  (I couldn't think of a better birthday present than to see my friends and family again after three years!)

view from our home in Epe
Thanks to God we have a family who will rent our house for two months while we are away.  This is a huge financial blessing for us and we hope that they will be equally blessed.  They have been living in Amsterdam for several years and it will be a much needed refreshment for them to stay in our home in the countryside.

We are busy packing and packing... which is quite an undertaking as it's the first time we will travel with a 9 month old baby!  But it's "de moeite waard" -- worth the effort.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

we're off to see...

So, I resisted the bandwagon as long as I could, but Mail Chimp is just too good to be true...

 read it here