Thursday, September 17, 2015

the couch story

A little while back Wim and I discovered that our couches needed to be replaced. How did we discover that? When we started to get holes in our pants because the metal springs had pushed their way out! Still they were useable so we just dreamt of buying another couch, when in reality it wasn't really an option. 

We looked on a 2nd hand website and tried to find a good deal, but either the couch was nice & too expensive, or a decent price & bad condition. Not very helpful for us!

One Sunday a friend from church called me up and asked if we were needing a new couch. Shocked and excited, I told her that actually we really did need one. To which she replied that her mom wanted to give their couch away. Why? Because she tried to sell it on that 2nd hand website but people offered so little money (€200-300) that she preferred to give it away for free to someone who needed it! So we got a couch... a NICE couch, and one that definitely fit in our budget hehe :-)

And the moral of the story is that God cares about every detail of our lives. We always say that nothing is too big for God, but it's also true that nothing is too small for Him! This was just another great reminder for us that God sees us and He cares.We hope that you will experience the same thing even today! Lots of love!