Wednesday, October 22, 2014

provision with a double-meaning

Wim and I had planned to go to Belgium last weekend, Saturday until Monday, to share at a church and to celebrate some birthdays together with Wim's family. The only problem was that on Wednesday we had almost no money in the bank and we didn't expect something to come before the weekend. (NOTE: Wim's supporters give directly via bank transfer throughout the month, and usually people give on or around the same day, so we knew that usually money didn't come in at that time). We knew that God would provide somehow, but it's still always a surprise when He does!

That Friday we received a €100 donation from people who usually give only €5 per month, totally unexpected! And totally on time.  We were able to put fuel in the car twice, buy birthday presents for our family, enjoy a nice lunch before we hit the road and not feel the pressure of counting every cent of money to make sure that we could get there and back.

But this provision had a double-meaning for us.  Also on Friday we received an email from some people we had asked for help and input about our financial situation. We were hoping that they had some ideas how we could increase our support, and that they could also network for us. But instead their advice to us was that Wim should probably look for a part-time job. Now, we totally understand how people would come to this decision and feel that it's rational. Our lifestyle is a bit crazy, living on the edge and we have been battling to get on top of our finances for the last 3 years. We have prayed and asked God if there is more we can do, like work or get jobs, and we never felt peace that that was the solution we were looking for. Still, to receive an email like that when we were reaching out hoping for help, was quite discouraging.  

Yet God is so good. Because He knew that we would get that email exactly that day. And He knew that we would then begin to question if we were in the right place or not. And with that small act of intervention, an unexpected and very needed €100 donation, He gave us reassurance that HE IS OUR PROVIDER. He sees us, knows us, loves us, wants the best for us. We ended up having a fantastic weekend in Belgium, encouraging and championing Christians to go deeper in their relationship with God, to be more real, to be more available for Him. And we came home feeling satisfied.  No matter how many times it happens, I am awe-struck every time. God is so near and involved in our lives.... that makes me happy.  :-)

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