Friday, January 16, 2015

no words to describe...

... how Father God amazes us over and over again. Seriously the words, "God is so good... faithful... kind" are just not descriptive enough. They don't give enough value to Him because He's just so much more...

We sent out a newsletter yesterday about our upcoming outreach to Brussels and some other news (pregnancy, exams, new car: read it here in English & here in Dutch). We wrote that we needed money to pay off the rest of our car, but we didn't write that we actually also needed money for the outreach to Brussels: €200 ($230) + more for putting fuel in the car and other expenses that come with traveling. Actually we needed to give the €200 yesterday to our team leader, but we didn't have it yet. We said we were trusting and waiting on God.

But I gotta be honest, I was beginning to feel discouraged because it FELT like there wasn't coming much response to our newsletter. Of course there are the faithful ones who always send an email in response just to let us know they are praying and thinking of us-- SO VALUABLE (note: do you want to know how you can encourage missionaries the most? Respond to their newsletters! Even ONE line! Let them know that you are out there and that you remember them!) But we had a need that was immediate and I was hoping for the like immediate answer to come. The night passed, morning came and there wasn't the answer I had been hoping for. 

I sat down for breakfast before my driving lesson and shared with God how I was feeling. I told Him that I really needed a word from Him, somehow-- a Bible verse that He was clearly speaking through, an email, a donation... anything-- just to encourage my heart. I went to my driving lesson (which went very well, by the way) and came back feeling a bit better. As soon as I walked into the living room Wim says, "Hey there was another surprise... God provided again"... a bunch emotions came over me-- relief, surprise, comfort, and most of all just feeling so loved and so seen by Him. It turns out a lovely couple who did a DTS here at Heidebeek gave us a 'New Years gift' of €400! Enough to contribute our share to the outreach and to cover the other expenses.

Wow, just wow. It's surprising every time again. I sort of feel like I shouldn't be surprised anymore, but on the other hand it's also nice to feel that surprise. Almost like God is wooing us!  Sounds crazy, I know, but that's what it seems like! So thank you Papa for hearing our hearts, knowing our needs and being kind to us. Sorry that I get so quickly discouraged and fall tempted to doubt, but thank you for your love that is bigger than my weaknesses! And thank you to our partners out there who are praying for us and sacrificing their own money to help us live the life God has called us to.

And YOU: if you're in a place of need like we have just been, we want to release the breakthrough we just received over your situation as well. God will provide and He will give even more than you need!

Love, The Dufoorts

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Wow, God is so good!! Great to see how he provides!
    Thanks for your encouragement Be blessed,


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