Wednesday, April 17, 2013

nice music for you!

Via one of my colleagues here at Heidebeek, I received the opportunity to have one day free in a recording studio last year.  So, I recorded three of my songs and had a lot of fun!  I added one song that I recorded on my Macbook a while back, and I made a CD: Hephzibah!

I've been "selling" them, for donations here in Holland and Belgium, but I wanted to make it available to a wider audience.  Since Wim and I live by the grace of God and generosity of people (sounds really spiritual, I know...!)-- individuals and groups give a certain amount of money every month to enable us to live the life we live-- I thought that this was a way that we could bless people with some nice music and also raise some funds for current expenses and expenses that we foresee having.  One current expense would be paying off the rest of our tuition for the School of Intercessory Prayer that we did beginning of this year.  Expenses that we foresee include purchasing a new laptop (my Macbook has been faithful since 2007, but it's on it's last legs and needs to be replaced).

So, since I'm not the most technologically sound person, it might be a bit of a stone-age method... but it will work nonetheless.  If you would like to "buy" my CD, click on the picture below and you will be directed to PayPal.  You can give a donation-- however small or great is not really of significance-- just give what you have on your heart! When you give a donation through PayPal, you don't need to have a PayPal account, but do you need to have a valid email address and a debit/credit card.  Once you have sent your donation, I get an email telling me that " has sent you a payment".  When I see that, I will then send you the link to download the CD.

What do you say, you want to try it?  Click on the picture if you dare... :-)

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